Glass Installer and Manufacturer Resource

Guide to Glass Options For Cabinetry | Wood Styling or Display

Written by Greg Martell | Sep 2, 2021 6:17:00 PM

Picture your collection of family photographs and mementos assembled thoughtfully in your living room cabinet. The traditional wood frame and shelves of the cabinet lack transparency and makes it difficult to see some of the items on display. Glass cabinetry offers an alternative. A glass display cabinet would allow light to pass through and illuminate your memories.

Cabinets are found all over home and commercial spaces. But they don’t have to be boring. Glass cabinetry adds style and sophistication to a space, be it a kitchen, bathroom, or office.  

Whether you are refurbishing a classic home and have a need for antique glass, or putting glass cabinetry in a new home or commercial space, glass cabinetry will brighten up your space.

Different Types Of Glass Fabrication for Cabinetry

Today’s glass fabrication options provide designers, homeowners and business planners with a wide variety of options to create a dramatic appearance or make a statement. These include: 

  • Tempered glass 
  • Beveling/ 
  • V-grooving

Tempered Glass

Tempered glass is among the strongest types of glass available and is used for shelving and windows. Consider an all-glass display case at the jewelry store. Strong glass gives you peace of mind when a customer leans in for a closer look.

Should the glass shatter, it breaks into small, less jagged pieces than a standard glass pane. Many patterned glass and colored glass options can be tempered for additional strength and safety.


Beveling is made by taking large pieces of glass and creating an angled surface around the entire edge of the glass. Beveling and other edgework types are most commonly used for appearance reasons, as it is the easiest to coat, texture, and design. Beveling gives your cabinet a splash of elegance.


Similar to chiseling a piece of wood, V-grooving carves intricate patterns -- including those you come up with -- into a glass piece's surfaces. That jewelry store case can display a company logo. 

Learn more about v-grooving and our available patterns:


How Much Does Glass Cabinetry Cost?

As with any décor element, a variety of factors affect cabinet glass costs considerably, including:

  • The total area of the project 
  • Type of glass used
  • Installation costs

Prices can be as low as $5 per square foot, and as high as $35 per square foot.

In all, glass is very cost-effective, especially when compared to high-end wood cabinetry. And using glass in place of wood can dramatically change the look of a room without requiring an all-out redecorating effort.

Today’s variety of patterned and colored glass choices leaves the home or business owner with a creative solution to fit any budget.

German Antique Glass Cabinetry + Other Popular Patterns

One exciting new trend is German Antique -- or German New Antique -- which provides a classic appearance in modern form. This is a popular item in the home décor industry, especially for those who are refurbishing classic homes.

Artique Glass is similar to German Antique, but with more obscurity and heavier patterns. Subtle striations flow out from every angle creating a gentle, yet arresting effect.

Circa 1800 glass from Hollander features a waviness and roll that is popular in cabinets or restoration. This glass is clear with very slight, if any, distortion of the image viewed through it; however, it has considerable character derived from the irregularities within and upon the surface of the glass. 

Patterns can also be used to highlight or camouflage items contained in the cabinet. A Misco Diamond Wire, for example, gently mutes the cabinet contents while an Acid Etched Velour provides a higher level of opacity. 

Both of these types of glass can add a modern or industrial feel to cabinets and are a popular choice for modern interior design and many industrial applications.

Glass Cabinetry -- A Clear Choice

If you’re thinking about furnishing or refurbishing a home or office, glass cabinetry is a clear choice. 

New Angle Beveling carries a wide variety of patterned glass to choose from. Explore our patterned glass options here. 

(This blog was originally published April 9, 2019, and has been updated)